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Exhibition archive (all years)
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“Art in uniform. The War Graves Department in Krakow 1915–1918” exhibition

07.10.2022 - 04.12.2022
A board exhibition with art objects, introducing the work of artists active in the War Graves Department in Krakow (Kriegsgräberabteilung Krakau, abbreviation: KGA). In 1915–1918, the group was responsible for arranging the space of the former battlefields and the construction of cemeteries primarily in the area of Western Galicia. Over 40 individuals collaborated with the Department – architects, painters, sculptors, graphic designers, and photographers from various countries of the monarchy.
Poster for the exhibition.

“In Ukraine. Justyna Mielnikiewicz” exhibition

02.09.2022 - 06.11.2022
Photographs by Justyna Mielnikiewicz bring human emotions to the forefront. They allow us to see the war in Ukraine through the lens of the stories of specific people. We will not see combat scenes or wounded soldiers in the photos. The artist shows that despite the drama unfolding around the war, life goes on.
Poster for the exhibition.

“Homing. Włodzimierz Puchalski” exhibition

22.07.2022 - 06.11.2022

The role that Sir David Attenborough has for decades played for the British audience has its Polish equivalent in the person of Włodzimierz Puchalski. “Homing. Włodzimierz Puchalski”, the latest exhibition at the International Cultural Centre, showcases the work of this celebrated Polish naturalist, photographer, artist, and educator.


Unwanted capital. Architecture and urban planning in Krakow during the German occupation

05.03.2022 - 05.06.2022

When, by Adolf Hitler's decision, Krakow was designated the capital of the General Government and recognised as an ancient German city, it became the site of a unique experiment involving reconstruction and symbolic appropriation of space. This is one of the tragic and little-researched chapters in the history of the city. For many years, this story remained untold – in the times of the Polish People's Republic, the subject was ignored by researchers and banned by censorship.

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