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08.05.2024, godz. 18:00

Meeting: “To look into the eyes of the wild. Photography in times of post-humanism”

“I wanted to look them in the eyes,” says Michał Korta, photographer, about his animal pictures taken by night. What are the tasks of photography in the modern post-humanistic world? Does the photographer have an advantage over the animals, or is it the other way around? Can you look in the eyes of what is wild? Maybe the night photography, wild by itself, allows to equalise both beings?

09.05.2024, godz. 19:00

Debate: “Lineage, class, identity”

Questions concerning identity, both individual and collective, are arising more frequently in the context of groundbreaking nature changes, regardless of their rate. Quite paradoxically, the identity issue is brought up in connection with the non-identity issues when we shift from one auto-identification to another or when we fight for a recognition of some new self-determination. Does such a “movement?” take place in modern, quickly changing Poland?

12.05.2024, godz. 12:30

MINImeetings with art - workshops

“MINI meetings with art” are a series of creative Sunday art workshops for children aged 4 to 10.

14.05.2024, godz. 16:00

The Central European Book Club: “Planeta pożeraczy serc” by Kristiina Ehin

At the upcoming May meeting of the Central European Book Club, we will be heading back to Estonia and into the women’s prose. This one will be vastly different from the works of Sofia Oksanen discussed previously.
14.05.2024, godz. 18:00

26.05.2024, godz. 12:30

Words and Brushes - workshops

Educational project for Ukrainian speaking children aged 6 through 12.

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